O Tan-faced Prairie Boy
O Tan-faced Prairie Boy
Never bored
Perpetually in motion
except when there’s a story
O tan-faced prairie boys
Mirthful smirk
Bare chested
Brown sinewy limbs
Freckles ranging the bridge of your nose
dirt resting between your toes
O tan-faced prairie boys
Brink of boyhood
Manhood approaching
Stature changing, features re-arranging
but your destination unchanging
you’ll fly-
O my tan-faced prairie boy
One with nature
Keen twinkly eyes
Hold the sky
and a mischievous smile
you lope and read and explore the while
O my tan-faced prairie boy
Kindness shows in every feature
Your harmony and mercy
soften and blur our lines
Fearlessly loving, but never fiercely
faithful steady beating heart
O my tan-faced prairie boy
Hungry for beauty
you find it everywhere
Eyes and hands hold the light
filled by the wildflowers and the moon
Creator, in the image of the Father and the Son
O my tan-faced prairie boy
Bold, directing
my best inspecting
but frankly forgiving
Strong action willing
then ponderous thought stilling
O my tan-faced prairie boy
Working boy work-
building, shouting,
mouse lives saving,
swimming, shooting,
Dirt hill moving,
Complaining never
Could camp forever
No hardship fearing
my mother heart cheering
God bless you-
O tan-faced prairie boys
Poem above Inspired by Walt Whitman’s poem “O Tan-Faced Prairie-Boy”
O tan-faced prairie-boy,
Before you came to camp came many a welcome gift,
Praises and presents came and nourishing food, till at last among the recruits,
You came, taciturn, with nothing to give – we but look’d on each other,
When lo! more than all the gifts of the world you gave me.
-Walt Whitman