Floor Beams

Next step after the concrete piers is the floor beams. We had originally planned to use large 8x12 beams for this (as shown below) but due to cost we decided to use 2x12 treated lumber instead. The beams were going to be double the price of the 2x12 lumber. They are also going to be hidden behind the siding so they will not be seen.

For the desired strength we are using five 2x12’s nailed together. To make this process go a lot faster we picked up a battery powered framing nailer as it will greatly speed up the process. We are first cutting the beams with the notches they need for joinery with a circular saw, then nailing them together in a specific nailing pattern. 2x12s are relatively wide so we are using four nails at each spot instead of two.

Pro with the framing nailer. Powerful tools require powerful facial expressions.

After the beams are built we will anchor the beams to the concrete piers and move on to the floor joists.

What do you do with a big pile of scrap plywood? These boys decided to make a track in the front yard.




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